Why is it so important that Love must fit in a box? Isn't love really an individual thing? It's not how we handle it as a whole, like sheep-going this way and that- is it? I mean everyone handles love differently, expresses it differently, views it differently. But how I process it has no bearing on your views and vice-a-versa. Anything percieved as love- or the lack of it- from, to, or with someone other than yourself is only a perception. And to collectively find like minded people is good, but tends to go horribly wrong when we try to pass judgement on what is real love or not.
Marriage, in some views is the ultimate representation of love in our society. Personally I think it has become a farce and an employed distraction. Since when should any of us need a piece of paper from the government acknowledging that our marriage is OK? When did love become illegal anywhere? It is unfortunate that the majority of people in this country feel threatened by non-typical relationships? Or is it more about controlling it?
Love is acceptance, without question, without neccessarily agreeing with other's views. Simply saying, " It's OK. That's what love is for you."
I'm sure I'll add more later...
You never did add more....waiting...