Behold the Cock.
Statuesque in its male ivory boldness, yet as gentle as a sleeping sharpei w/ its head resting on or between two almost tweedless pillows.
It stands alone jutting outward, sometimes offensively as a machete ready to cut its way through the bush, sometimes with raised interest like a pervert peeking its head around the corner, sometimes like a compass guiding its owner to relief and/or pleasure, and sometimes as a plastic turkey thermometer when it pokes its red head out very much as if to say 'the man is ready'.
Women claim how ugly it is- like a toad that could give them warts- but are still willing to give the 'magic kiss' in hopes it will turn into a beautiful prince. Some, however only get the sword with no man behind it to truly weild it- an unfeeling, invasive experience. Some hoard their power for selfish gain, clutching at it possessively, for it is far easier to get pleasure than to give. The true man knows it is more than a sword. It is an instrument to be used for good, with deep emotion and respect for its power. It is a gift. Not the penis itself, not to others or oneself. It is a gift to truly know how to use it, to share it, to not flaunt its abilities.
It's an invitation with a rsvp. A limited time offer with quantities limited so act now... It is an extension of character, hence the names dick, prick, fuck-stick... It is a political statement,'time to shake hands with the governor or president', which is a character transferrence onto another. It represents heritage ie.: Johnson, Schwartz... It is a weapon: sword, club, fuck-stick. It is a ruler- thusly said,'the angle of the dangle is the measure of the man'.
Yet for all it's percieved ugliness by the opposite sex, they have written so eloquently about us and our penises- far better and prettier than we as men have. For instance: his male ivory boldness, the gleaming white tower of manhood, his cinnamon skinned essence of male boldness, his ebony steed that sweeps you away to pleasure... All of these names of beauty; is it to describe the organ or the potential beauty it can bring? Are these descriptives a sort of denial, for how one could be so attracted to something so unappealing?
For you see a Prince will pick his nose, the hero will fart, the rugged cowboy or stranger will act princely and then turn on you with no remorse....and a rose is a rose, and a cock is a cock but not always is a bird in the bush worth two in the hand.
the WOOD
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